Monday, March 24, 2014

Unique Floral Arrangement Featuring Orchids

Orchids are elegant flowers and can be used in many different ways.

In this unique floral design created with realistic silk flowers - orchids have been placed over the top of the arrangement to form canopy effect.

A low base has been used as a container.

Dry floral foam has been placed in the container.

A wide leaf has been placed around the foam.

Soft green hydrangeas and hyacinths have been positioned in the centre to form the focal area.

White liliums have been placed on the right side.   

Twiggy green stems have been looped over the top.

Two stems of orchids have been secured in place with hot glue to form the crowning touch.

In the Floristry  Course you will learn how to create many unusual floral designs.

If you have not already enrolled in the Floristry Course we would love to have you join us. 

Please visit our website

Friday, March 7, 2014

Chic Floral Design For A Dinner Party

The fun part of floristry is there are so many unique designs you can create.

This chic floral design is something different.

A small block of florist foam has been soaked in water and placed in clear gladwrap.

A ti leaf has been cut to the desired length, placed around and secured with a couple of dressmaking  pins.

The stems of roses and berries have been cut short and inserted in the foam.

A piece of vine with a couple of berries threaded on it is tied around the sides.

One is placed on each plate and it makes a unique gift for each guest to take home.

A piece of vine has been spiralled around the fork.

You will learn how to make many unique floral designs in the Floristry Course

If you have not already enrolled in the Floristry  Course we would love to have you join us.

For full details please click onto