This hand tied bouquet of roses would make a lovely gift for someone special.
Twelve roses and wax flowers surrounded with foliage and spear grass loops have been used in this bouquet.
The rose and wax flower stems have been cut to the desired length and the lower leaves removed.
Choose the largest rose for the centre and hold it in the left hand about 15cm below the base of the flower head.
Add about five more roses around having them slightly lower and crisscross the stems on an angle where you are holding them, whilst turning the bouquet around clockwise.
Add the remaining roses around in the same way having them extend out slightly more to the sides. The bouquet should be slightly rounded across the top.
Add the wax flowers around the edges in the same way and then the foliage.
Secure all the stems together with a few twists of twine.
Cut the spear grass to the desired length and run it between your fingers to make it pliable and form it into loops, dip the ends in strong glue and insert the loops in two rows between the flowers around the edges.
Cut the ends of the flower and foliage stems level and spray the bouquet lightly with water
Place organza ribbon around the stems and tie it in a bow with ribbon ends.
Stand the bouquet in a container of water.
This design has been briefly described - in the Floristry Correspondence Course each lesson is explained in detail with easy to follow step-by-step instructions.
For full details about the course Please Click Here
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